Welcome to “Planting Seeds”
Welcome and thank you for checking out “Planting Seeds”, the first blog entry on my brand-new website! Writing is something I’ve wanted to do for a long time, but I just wasn’t sure what I would write about, but why not share about the power of books and reading? A little about me…
My name is Melissa Thury. I live in Jamestown, ND with my husband, Jeremy, and two daughters, Ramsey and Merritt. I count my blessings every day that I have the freedom and flexibility to be present for all the things we have happening in our life. As a family, we enjoy playing games, watching movies, camping, and reading (duh). The girls keep us running and I wouldn’t dream of having it any other way.
As a kid, I loved reading, but I really found the value in books when I was a teenager. I was a sick kid and spent a lot of time in hospitals. When I was 15, I had surgery with a long stay afterward. One thing they did on the Pediatrics floor was daily bingo and then they would come around with a prize cart. My first prize I ever picked out was the book “If You Give a Mouse a Cookie”. A children’s book that was way below my reading level brought me so much happiness when I was feeling crumby. Fast forward nearly 25 years, I remember that day and wish that is how every kid felt about books – that they were a source of happiness and hope.
Jeremy and I had a descent home library when it was just us, and it only grew when we added to our family. That growing family is what led me to PaperPie (Usborne Books & More, at the time) in 2015. I attended my first party through a friend and ordered A LOT of books…like A LOT! Shortly after that I attended my second party…same result HAHA. Right after that I hosted a party because my wishlist was HUGE and I wanted free stuff…which I got! I thought about joining at that time but had a kid and one on the way, a full-time job, a part-time job, and life. I convinced myself I didn’t have time. In October 2017, now a family of four, I hosted again. The Consultant for that party, who has turned into a great friend, was bold enough to ask me to join. I teetered, tried to find all the excuses, but finally ended up joining the day after Thanksgiving in 2017. Since then, I’ve experienced all the highs and lows, goods and bads, positives and negatives. All things considered; I just cannot imagine PaperPie not being part of my life for everything it has given me.
This “job” has been a commission, gotten our family some cool prizes (the kids have claimed a lot of them), and unlimited books (I don’t get to open those boxes either), but I think the two biggest things PaperPie/UBAM have given me is purpose and people. I love being a literacy leader. I love showing my girls you can do something you love for a career, while being a wife and mama. I love that my family gets to work alongside me, but I get to work alone when I want to. Mostly, I appreciate the people. Book ladies are the best ladies. We all support and encourage each other; nobody tries to outdo or one up each other. Time with book ladies is the best way to fill my cup and recharge me. The friends I’ve made with hosts, customers, and party guests is overwhelming. It is incredible how connected you can feel to people you’ve never actually met, but I’ve “watched” kids grow for the past seven years.
I’m excited to share more about books, reading, and literacy, and really encourage you plant seeds of learning in your home.
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