
I’m Melissa Thury, wife, mom, literacy and mental health advocate, and now…Business Coach! I firmly believe that people can have a thriving business without sacrificing their life balance. I am here to coach and work along side individuals struggling with organization, time management, business strategy, confidence, mindset, and boundaries.

Build Your Business. Keep Your Life.

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Who I Serve

Individuals who are wanting to build and grow a business, but keep their personal life in balance.

Direct Sellers

Direct sellers have the benefits of low start up costs and a company already operating for them, but face challenges with saturated markets, stigma around direct sales and MLMs, and the ever changing social media scene. I can help direct sellers with their business strategies, time management, systems, and finding balance while they build their brand.


Women who run a business while raising children have unique challenges. As mothers, we tend to feel like we need to give our all to others and leave what we want for last. I can help fellow moms and business women find success and balance.

Solopreneurs & Entrepreneurs

Solopreneurs and entrepreneurs are typically creating a new business or idea from the ground up, bearing most of the responsibility. I can help these individuals manage their time, organize tasks, create systems, while setting boundaries and creating a balance.

What I Offer

I can help where I most often hear direct sellers, momtrepreneurs, solopreneurs, and entrepreneurs say they struggle.


When you have to do it all, sometimes you need a little help organizing, whether it is digital files or paper systems, I’m here to guide you in keeping the details in order.

Time Management

We all have the same 24-hours in a day, but when we are balancing work and play, it can get difficult. We can work together to set a schedule according to your priorities.

Business Strategy

In the midst of doing everything – owner, employee, finances, inventory, etc., sometimes you just need someone to work alongside you as you develop new strategies and ways to brand yourself.

Mindset & Confidence

Business can be physically demanding, but you will also need to work through emotional struggles. It is important to make sure you are staying in a positive business mindset and keeping confidence high.

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